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MarketingXLerator Social Biz 3.1.0
Blappsta Apps for Blogs
“Give a man a fish and he won’t starve for aday.Teach a man how to fish and he won’t starve for his entirelife.”~ProverbThis app will provide access to social (business) marketinginsights via the MarketingXLerator blog. It will also provideaccess to find social media marketing consulting services.MarketingXLerator MissionThe MarketingXLerator mission is to help clients reach theirbusiness goals by creating realistic social media marketingstrategies.VisionWe have a passion for social media and believe that theintelligent use of modern marketing techniques can create acompetitive edge.Simply put, we like to see that smile on your face that tells usthat you are satisfied with the outcome of our jointproject(s).Our plan is teach you and your organization how to fish, so youwon’t need us in the long run.ValuesSocial media makes it possible to connect with people 1:1 likenever before, hence, high ethical standards are needed to guide allinteractions:MarketingXLerator conducts all business with respect, integrity,and honesty; whether you are a customer or competitor.We achieve results by listening to and collaborating with ourclients to find the strategy that works for you and your business.We have no one-size-fits-all solutions but a ton of experience.Doing What’s Right For YouThere is a lot of buzz around social media and it’s tempting tothink that everybody needs to have a social presence. There is nosuch mandate! Having a Facebook page where the last post is 3months old is worse than not having a Facebook page at all.People often ask if they should be on Twitter or Instagram. Theanswer: “I don’t know”. In the absence of more information it isimpossible to make that call.What I do know is, that you need to be aware what people aresaying about your business online, or you can’t put it right. Asocial media listening strategy IS a mandate.To know if social media marketing is right for you depends onyour objectives, target audience, and resources. It’s important toconsider opportunity costs and determine the right marketing mix ofsocial media vs. traditional tactics.MarketingXLerator is here to help you with the research,strategy development and creation of an executable social mediamarketing plan.Whether you want to learn how to build your own brand on socialmedia or are a corporation striving to implement a social mediastrategy or campaign, the MarketingXLerator blog and consultingofferings are great resources at your disposal.Services include:Social media marketing strategy consultingTraining & workshops (groups and 1:1)BloggingABOUT NATASCHA THOMSONNatascha Thomson is the CEO of MarketingXLerator, a social mediamarketing consultancy.MarketingXLerator helps companies create social media marketingstrategies that generate results and build long-term relationships.Customers include large enterprises and startups including SAP,EMC, Polycom, Matrix Precise and LookingGlass Cyber Solutions.Natascha is the co-author of 42 Rules for B2B Social MediaMarketing and blogs regulary on sites including: Social MediaToday, LinkedIn, Medium, PSDNetwork, SOTGC, and Yerdle. She is alsoan Adjunct Instructor in Advanced Social Media Marketing at UCSCExt. Silicon Valley.Natascha has over 15 years experience in B2B marketing and holdstwo Master’s degrees. In her free time, she teaches yoga.
TACH! App 3.8.7
Blappsta Apps for Blogs
Der TACH! liefert 24/7 ehrliche und aktuelleLokalnachrichten für Lüdenscheid, Hagen und das Volmetal. Nah amLeser und stets mit dem Anspruch auch Hintergründe zuliefern.The TACH! provides 24/7honest and latest local news for Lüdenscheid, Hagen and theVolmetal. Close to the reader and always to deliver the claim andbackgrounds.
AnimeNachrichten 3.0.3
Blappsta Apps for Blogs - Jetzt auch unterwegsimmer top Informiert sein! Dein Anime-Nachrichtendienst mit denneusten und interessantesten News aus der Welt der Animes. Für eineschnelle und umfangreiche Newsübersicht, bieten wir eineregelmäßige Podcast an. Hinterlasse Antworten und diskutiere mitanderen Fans rund um Anime. Sei immer brandaktuell informiert mitunserer AnimeNachrichten App.Feedback und Support: info@animenachrichten.deBesucht uns auf Facebook folgt uns auf Twitter: - nowon the move always top Be informed! Your Anime News Service for thelatest and most interesting news from the world of anime. For aquick and comprehensive overview News, we offer a regular podcast.Leave answers and discuss with other fans about Anime. Be alwaysup-date with our Anime News app.Feedback and Support: info@animenachrichten.deVisit us on Facebook follow us on Twitter:
fit_trio 3.8.7
Blappsta Apps for Blogs
Endlich ist sie da! Die FIT_TRIO- App! Keinenneuen Blogeintrag mehr verpassen? Kein Problem! Ab jetzt halten wirdich immer auf dem Laufenden!-wähle Kategorien-immer die neusten Blogeinträge-viele Bilder-VideosFinally it's here! TheFIT_TRIO- app! Do not miss a new blog post anymore? No Problem!From now on, we will always keep you up to date!-Choose Categories-always the latest blog entries-many imagesVideos
Blappsta Apps for Blogs
Der PR-Blogger gehört zu den prominentestenInformationsquellen zum Thema „Kommunikation und Reputation imSocial Web“. Das Fachblog ist ein Service der UnternehmensberatungEck Consulting Group. Darin berichten der Unternehmensgründer KlausEck, seine Mitarbeiter sowie ausgewählte Autoren über Trends undaktuelle Entwicklungen in der Online-Kommunikation.The PR Blogger is one ofthe most prominent sources of information on "Communication andReputation in the Social Web". The specialist blog is a service ofmanagement consulting Eck Consulting Group. In this report thecompany's founder Klaus Eck, its employees and selected authorstrends and recent developments in online communication.
GourmetGuerilla – Rezepte 3.9.0
Blappsta Apps for Blogs
Herzlich willkommen bei ,dem Blog für Food und Lifestyle! Hole dir den Spaß am besserenEssen jetzt auch ganz einfach per App auf den Teller. Mit immerneuen Rezepten und Tipps für schnelle und leckere Gerichteintegrierst du besseres Essen ganz einfach in deinen Alltag. VielSpaß beim Kochen und Geniessen!Ausgezeichnet als „BRIGITTE Top 25-Blog”.Welcome, the blog for food and lifestyle! And check outthe fun of eating better now simply by app on the plate. With newrecipes and tips for quick and delicious dishes you integratebetter food easily in your everyday life. Have fun cooking andenjoy!Voted "BRIGITTE Top 25 blog".
HISM 3.4.1
Blappsta Apps for Blogs
The HISM App is your guide to the homeimprovement galaxy! Our App is here to make finding homeimprovement faster than ever before.FIND HOME IMPROVEMENT FAST !Ever tried looking for a home improvement company and don’t knowwhere to start ? Had your pipe burst and you just want to call thenearest plumber? It’s all here on the HISM App, 100’s of homeimprovement companies, geographically pinned so that you can findthe company closest to you. Detailed info on home improvementcompanies in your area with a full description of services andcontact details as well as emailing for enquiries. Subscribe andreceive updates on our Digimags, promotional brochures andcompetitions. Home improvement in your pocket! Simple, Easy,Efficient – the HISM-App helps you to make your house a home. Weare very proud and excited to be moving into the digital age andgiving our audience an easier and faster way in finding homeimprovement companies throughout South Africa. 3.0.5
Blappsta Apps for Blogs
Die regionale Wetterapp für das Emsland, dieGrafschaft Bentheim und den Kreis Steinfurt. Aktuelles Tageswetter,Pollenwarnungen und regionale Unwetterwarnungen.Seit 2013 versorgt die Region mit punktgenauenVorhersagen. Detailgetreuer wie mancher große Wetterdienst undabsolut unabhängig, basierend auf freien Messdaten verschiedenerQuellen, erstellen wir unsere Vorhersagen.Regional bet Rapp for theEmsland, the county of Bentheim and Steinfurt. Current day weather,pollen warnings and regional weather alerts.Since 2013 supplies the region with precisepredictions. Detail Getreuer how many great weather service andabsolutely independent, based on free data from different sources,we create our predictions.
The Invisible Mentor 3.2.8
Blappsta Apps for Blogs
This is app of The Invisible Mentor Blog whereyou will find content for the busy professional. You will findinterviews with successful people, book reviews and summaries,profiles of wise people, notes from events that are of interest toprofessionals, resources and tools to read and remember more ofwhat you read, and tips to become more successful in yourcareer.
Hamburg Woman 3.9.0
Blappsta Apps for Blogs
Hamburgs größtes Frauenportal und ersteAdresse für Trends, Fashion, Beauty, Health, Lifestyle, Society,Events und gute Laune. Aber auch über Themen wie Kochen,Einrichten, Shopping, Cars, Gesundheitsratgeber, Liebe, Sex undLeidenschaft berichtet HAMBURG-WOMAN.DE täglich neu. Besondersbeliebt sind Termin etc. in HAMBURG WOMAN DAILY!Hamburg's largest women'sportal and premier source for trends, fashion, beauty, health,lifestyle, society, events, and good humor. But even on topics suchas cooking, Setup, Shopping, Cars, mental health counselors,L'Ennui reported HAMBURG-WOMAN.DE daily. Especially popular aredates etc. in HAMBURG WOMAN DAILY!
HighFoodality Rezepte 3.7.8
Blappsta Apps for Blogs
Mit dieser App bekommst Du die Rezepte desFood-Blogs HighFoodality knackig frisch auf Dein Handy serviert undverpasst damit keine Leckerei.Auf werden beinahe täglich seit 2009 neue Rezepteveröffentlicht. Egal ob vegetarische Gerichte, Salate, Burger,ausgefallene Kompositionen, Suppen, Pasta, Fischgerichte oderRezepte vom Grill - jeder kommt auf seine Kosten.Auf Wunsch wirst Du von neuen Rezepten automatisch benachrichtigtund bekommst so kostenfrei neue Inhalte - beinahe täglich.With this app you get therecipes of the food blogs HighFoodality served crisp fresh on yourmobile phone and missed so no treat.On new recipes are published almost daily since2009. Whether vegetarian dishes, salads, burgers, exceptionalconstructions, soups, pasta, fish dishes or grilled recipes -everyone gets their money.Upon request, you will be automatically notified of new recipes andget so free new content - almost daily.
Andrea´s Nagelstudio 3.3.0
Blappsta Apps for Blogs
Mein Name ist Andrea Gschwendtberger und ichbin Nagelstylistin aus Leidenschaft. Was einst mit einem Hobbybegann, wurde zum absoluten Traumberuf. Meine Kreativität und meinhandwerkliches Geschick konnte ich durch zahlreiche Schulungen undWeiterbildungen perfektionieren. 2005 absolvierte ich mit großemErfolg die Schulung zum Nailmaster und zähle dadurch zu den Profisim Naildesign. Zahlreiche Kunden aus dem Umkreis von Aalen gehörenmittlerweile zum festen Kundenstamm und erfreuen sich an meinerArbeit. Ich freue mich auch Sie in meinem Nagelstudio in Waldhausen/ Aalen begrüssen zu dürfen.My name is Andrea and Iam Gschwendtberger nail stylist with a passion. What began with ahobby, was an absolute dream job. My creativity and craftsmanship Icould perfecting through numerous training and further education.In 2005 I graduated with great success the training for Nailmasterand counted thereby to the pros in nail design. Numerous customersfrom the vicinity of Aalen now belong to their regular customersand enjoy my work. I am also pleased to welcome you in my nailsalon in Waldhausen / Aalen. 3.9.3
Blappsta Apps for Blogs
Mit der kostenlosen BuchMarkt-App können Siesich schnell über alle Themen des unabhängigen informieren. Sie erhalten alle aktuellen News: Trendsund Themen aus Buchhandel und Verlagswesen, Business-News,Personalia, täglicher (auch am Wochenende) Überblick über dieBuchthemen der großen deutschen Feuilletons, GfK-Selleristen sowieaktuelle ist der schnelle Branchenticker, der die aktuellenHintergrundberichte des monatlichen BuchMarkt-Magazinsergänzt.With the free book marketapp, you can quickly learn about all threads of the independentindustry portal You can receive the latest news:Trends and issues in the book trade and publishing, business news,Personalia, daily (including weekends) overview of the book topicsof major German newspapers, GfK Selleristen with currentinterviews. is the rapid industry Ticker that complements thecurrent background reports the monthly book market magazine.
La recette 3.0.3
Blappsta Apps for Blogs
Bien plus qu'une simple recette de cuisine.Larecette changera ta qualité de vie pour 2 francs 6 sous.C'estcertain. Un mélange entre bonne bouffe & accessoire décopourl'accompagner. La recette te propose de naviguer entre toutessesidées, que ce soit pour déjeuner, dinner ou souper. Ici, toutcequ'il faut c'est aimer la bonne cuisine, simple & accessibleàtout le monde. On passera du simple bolo à super yaourt aumueslimatinal.- Accès direct aux recettes à moins de 3€ et Mug Cake- Possibilité d'enregistrer ses recettes préférées.- Notifications de nouvelles recettes- Voyage parmi les différentes catégories (Petit déj, lunch,dinner,..)- Commente les recettes que tu kiffs- Partage les recettes directement avec tes potes- Contacte moi quand tu veuxEt c'est déjà pas mal.En plus tu aimes la déco qui va autour, tu es au paradis. Ontedonne l'adresse de tous nos accessoires présent sur la photo delarecette, de l'assiette en passant par les couverts où encorelanouvelle tasse qu'on vient d'acheter. Top ça.More than just arecipe.The recipe will change your quality of life for 2 francs 6under.Sure. A mix of great food & decorative accessory toaccompanyit. The recipe offers you navigate through all his ideas,eitherfor lunch, dinner or supper. Here, all you need is to lovegoodfood, simple & accessible to everyone. It will simplybolosuper yogurt morning muesli.- Direct access to recipes within 3 € and Mug Cake- Ability to save favorite recipes.- Notifications for new recipes- Travel from different categories (breakfast, lunch,dinner,..)- Discuss the recipes you kiffs- Sharing recipes directly with your buddies- Contact me when you wantAnd that's not bad.In addition you love the decor that goes around, you'reinparadise. It gives you all address our present accessories onthepicture of the recipe, trim through which still covered the newcupwe just bought. Top that.
Britt Gastineau 3.2.8
Blappsta Apps for Blogs
The Britt Gastineau Brand redefines luxuryforthe modern woman with Gastineau's four principles ofG.L.A.M.,Gorgeous, Luxurious, Aspirational & Modern.Gastineau's missionis to make the finer things in life accessibleto all.“Gorgeous, Luxurious, Aspirational & Modern is aG.L.A.MSTATE OF MIND and beauty is in the eye of the beholder.”-BrittGastineau
The Social Ms - Blog 3.3.7
Blappsta Apps for Blogs
The Social Ms - the social media marketingbloglead by Jonathan (@jogebauer) and Susanna Gebauer(@dreckbaerfrau)provides the latest information on social mediamarketing techniquesfor businesses and marketers that reallywork.
#MSB Maximize Social Business 3.2.8
Blappsta Apps for Blogs
Maximize Social Business is the leadingsocialmedia for business blog. Featuring daily news on how tobestleverage social media, Maximize Social Business brings to youthelatest news on everything social media, social media marketing,andsocial business.Topics covered include:Best practices on how to use Social Networks and Platforms:BloggingEmpire AvenueFacebookFoursquareGoogle PlusInstagramKloutLinkedInMobilePinterestPodcasting / AudioRedditSlideShareStumbleUponTsuTumblrTwitterVideoWordPressYouTubeHow to Use Social Media Throughout Your Business:B2B SalesInternal CommunicationsMedia RelationsPublic RelationsSocial Media for Customer SupportSocial Media and Employment LawSocial Media for ExecutivesSocial Media for Information TechnologySocial Media and the LawSocial Media and Online SecuritySocial RecruitingSocial SalesHow to Use Social Media in Various Industries:Social Media for EcommerceSocial Media for HospitalitySocial Media for HealthcareSocial Media and NonprofitsSocial Media for Real EstateSocial Media for RetailersSocial Media for StartupsHow to Use Social Media for MarketingB2B Social Media MarketingBlogger OutreachContent MarketingCustomer Experience MarketingEmail MarketingEvent MarketingLocal MarketingMarketing AutomationRelationship MarketingSEO (Search Engine Optimization)Social Ads (PPC)Social Media for B2B BrandingSocial Media BrandingSocial Media Community BuildingSocial Media Community ManagementSocial Media ContestsSocial Media IntegrationSocial Media Lead GenerationSocial Media MarketingSocial Media Traffic GenerationSoLoMoVisual Social Media MarketingSocial Media for Business Themes:Chinese Social MediaEmployee AdvocacyJapanJob SearchPersonal BrandingSocial Business TrendsSocial CRMSocial Media AppsSocial Media BooksSocial Media ConferencesSocial Media EtiquetteSocial Media InfluenceSocial Media MBASocial Media MonitoringSocial Media OutsourcingSocial Media ProductivitySocial Media PsychologySocial Media QuotesSocial Media RoundtableSocial Media StrategySocial Media ToolsSocial Media WritingSocial Networking
TUI Blog 3.9.3
Blappsta Apps for Blogs
Verpasst keinen Artikel des TUI Blog!Mit der TUI Blog App bekommt ihr Push-Benachrichtigungen, sobaldein neuer Artikel im TUI Blog veröffentlicht wird. PersönlicheReiseberichte nehmen euch mit an nahe und entfernte Orte, eserwarten euch fesselnde Fotos zum Hinwegträumen, leckere Rezeptezum Nachkochen und Top Listen, die ihr nicht verpassen dürft. Unddas beste: Im TUI Blog berichten auch Prominente live aus ihremUrlaub.Holt euch mit der TUI Blog App die Extraportion Reiseinspirationund Informationen rund um die schönsten Reiseziele. Kommentiertdirekt aus der TUI Blog App heraus und geht mit den TUI Bloggern inAustausch. Wir freuen uns auf euch!Missed no article of TUIblog! With the TUI Blog App gets you push notifications when a newarticle is published in the TUI blog. Personal travelogues takingyou to close and distant places, there are waiting for you tocaptivating photos Way dreams, delicious recipes to try and toplists that you are allowed to not miss. And the best part: The TUIblog also report celebrities live out of their vacation. Get your blog with TUI Cruises that extra travel inspiration andinformation about the most beautiful destinations. Commented outdirectly from the TUI blog app and comes with the TUI bloggers inexchange. We look forward to you!
Good Fruit Grower Magazine 3.2.8
Blappsta Apps for Blogs
Experience Good Fruit Grower magazine onyourmobile device, now with bookmarking and notifications!Good Fruit Grower is the essential resource for tree fruit andgrapeproducers in the Nortwest and worldwide.Download now to receive instant access to the digital issueandreceive notifications about essential industry updates andaccessto our extensive tree fruit and grape growing archive.The Good Fruit Grower app also includes all of thefeaturesmembers rely on from our 17 yearly print issues, as well asbonuscontent available only to digital members. Stay up to datewith ourtimely and educational writing, extra photos andvideos.Good Fruit Grower magazine was established in 1946, and iseagerlyread by orchardists and vineyardists worldwide. It coversthegrowing, packing, handling, marketing, and promotion of treefruits(apples, pears, cherries, apricots, peaches, nectarines,andplums), as well as juice and wine grape production.The magazine is published in the Pacific Northwest, in theheartof one of the world's top tree fruit and grape growingregions.Good Fruit Grower is internationally renown for itstimely,accurate, and in-depth reporting on key industry issues anditsoutstanding presentation and photography. It has subscribersinevery U.S. state and 50 countries. Readers call it the best intheindustry and say they look forward to each issue.Good Fruit Grower is a grower-owned nonprofit company, ownedbythe Washington State Fruit Commission.
Berner News
Blappsta Apps for Blogs
In our digital toolbox you will find the latest news from theBernese world